Our Approach
United Studios of Self Defense teaches Shaolin Kenpo, a mixture of Karate, Kung Fu, and Ju Jitsu. What makes United Studios of Self Defense unique from other programs is that we tailor our program to fit the needs of the individual student instead of molding the student to fit the art. So whether your a beginner or experienced martial artist, whether you have physical limitations or are a professional athlete, or your just one of the many people looking for something fun, challenging, and rewarding, we have a program for you. The United Studios of Self Defense system is highly effective because the wealth of material allows you, the student, to use whatever techniques work best for you. Since no two people or situations are alike, instructors at United Studios try to prepare students for all self defense situations.
“Avoid rather than check; check rather than block; block rather than strike; strike rather than hurt; hurt rather than maim; maim rather than kill—for all life is precious.”
Benefits for Kids
Our students develop a range of skills that enable them to succeed in all areas of life. This is particularly important for children, who need the guidance and support of parents and others to develop the skills they need to become capable and balanced adults.
We will help your child become a strong and productive member of society armed with character, strong self-discipline and a healthy self-image. At United Studios of Self Defense, we work hard to make your child’s experience with the Martial Arts a safe and productive one.
With USSD, children improve their:
Work Ethic
Strength & Endurance
Respect for Themselves and Others
All of this is achieved in an environment where the camaraderie created by shared challenges creates a sense of trust and recognition of individual achievement. Students advance at their own pace, without the pressure that is often such a part of team sports.
The practice of Martial Arts, when done properly and under the guidance of a professional USSD Instructor, is safer than most school sports. It is a workout routine that improves focus and self-discipline, developing the mind as well as the body. Students learn to control themselves and to respect others, which naturally leads to a respect for self. This benefit often carries over into school, helping to not only improve behavior, but academic performance. Students learn how to use their energy in a positive manner and not to be aggressive towards others. Experts agree that, rather than promoting violence, Martial Arts open the door to building a solid foundation of self-confidence and a healthy sense of self-worth. The core philosophy of USSD Martial Arts training is non-violence. Our training enables students to respond in a calm and controlled way that will stop, rather than escalate violence, should violence be unavoidable.
Benefits for Teens & Adults
For the teen or adult student, the martial arts provides a balanced improvement of both mind and body. The USSD Teen & Adult Program is designed to provide you with the principles of self-defense while strengthening your stamina & physical ability. In addition, the techniques and training fundamentals you learn will be adjusted to fit your needs and interests, whether your goals are to learn to defend yourself, get in shape, become more flexible, reduce stress or otherwise.
With USSD, Our Teens/Adults:
Relieve Stress
Improve Discipline
Develop Coordination
Increase Flexibility
Build Muscular Strength and Endurance
Learn Practical Self Defense Techniques
USSD Instructors
Earning a Black Belt is a rewarding accomplishment that takes effort and dedication. Every USSD Instructor was first an accomplished USSD student. Our Instructors are trained from white belt within the USSD self-defense system to ensure a broad understanding of our training principles and applications. All USSD Instructors participate in weekly training sessions with a Master Instructor to ensure that they provide the highest level of teaching and martial arts application within their own school. In addition, USSD Chief Instructors and Masters from across the country gather at the United Studios National HQ in Southern California each month to train and develop new skills and methods of teaching.